uniqprobe™ uniform quality SPM probe – Contact mode
NANOSENSORS™ uniqprobe™结合了其他NANOSENSORS™ AFM探针系列的众所周知的功能,例如应用广泛,与大多数商业SPM兼容,并具有大大降低了力常数和共振频率分散的附加优势。uniqprobe™系列机械特性的无与伦比的均匀性对于需要大量具有已知且几乎相同的力常数或共振频率的探针的应用尤为重要。uniqprobe™系列传感器特别适合分子生物学,生物物理学和定量纳米力学研究。
沉积在悬臂检测器一侧的反射金涂层仅覆盖探针所在位置上方的自由端。 uniqprobe™涂层的主要优点是悬臂弯曲明显减少,漂移减少,尤其是在液体环境中进行测量时。
NANOSENORS™ qp-CONT AFM探针是专为用于空气或液体环境中的接触模式AFM成像而设计的。由于力常数低,CONT型针对高灵敏度进行了优化。
- 力常数和共振频率的离散小
- 探针高度通常为7µm
- 探针曲率半径通常小于10nm
- 无应力悬臂梁,弯曲少得多
- 探针和悬臂梁由类似石英的材料制成
- 减少在液体环境中应用的漂移
- 探针的重新定位精度优于±8µm(与对准芯片组合)
- 化学惰性
uniqprobe™ uniform quality SPM probe – Contact mode
The NANOSENSORS uniqprobe combines the well-known features of the other NANOSENSORS AFM probe series such as high application versatility and compatibility with most commercial SPMs with the additional advantage of a strongly reduced dispersion of force constant and resonance frequency. The unsurpassed uniformity of the mechanical characteristics of the uniqprobe series is particularly important for applications, where a large number of probes with known and near identical force constants or resonance frequencies are needed. The sensors of the uniqprobe series are especially adapted for molecular biology, biophysics and quantitative nano-mechanical studies.
The reflex gold coating deposited on the detector side of the cantilever covers only the free end above where the tip is located. Main advantages of the uniqprobe coating are considerably less cantilever bending and reduced drift particularly for measurements in liquid environments.
NANOSENORS qp-CONT AFM probes are designed for contact mode AFM imaging in air or liquid environments. The CONT type is optimized for high sensitivity due to a low force constant.
The probe offers unique features:
- small dispersion of force constant and resonance frequency
- typical tip height 7µm
- typical tip radius of curvature smaller than 10nm
- stress free cantilevers with considerably less bending
- tip and cantilevers are made of a quartz-like material
- reduced drift for applications in liquid environments
- tip repositioning accuracy of better than ±8µm (in combination with Alignment Chip)
- chemically inert